July 20, 2008 Omaha Roll Cloud Day/Onawa Iowa Night Shelf

Thanks to Bob for giving me a call about an interesting roll cloud north of town in the morning. I could see it out my window to the east, but it looked to be weakening. He then called back and said nevermind, it looked like crap now. So I do a few things for a couple minutes, then I looked out the window again and it looked to be increasing again. Got another call from Bob that it was indeed looking better again. So finally, I fly out the door with all my gear and head south. It was quite the chore to get ahead of by Omaha, as it was now moving a lot faster. I could see it growing to my south, and so wanted to be ahead of it as it moved over down town Omaha. I barely "beat it". In the above I'm on I29, north side of Council Bluffs heading west.

I stop on the shoulder and get off a couple really quick shots as it moves over the skyline. I'd prefer some other angle, but this alone took some work to get to in time.

I think this was snapped out my window while driving east on the south side of Council Bluffs.

Lake Manawa exit I think. Looks like a big mustache. It was evidently being driven by some storms well to the north. It was then scooping up the soupy moisture in place, causing sprinkles right behind it.

It quickly weakened after passing through the metro area.

It's now night time, and I stupidly chased a severe line up to Onawa Iowa, at like 1:30 a.m. or something.

This line didn't provide a whole lot, other than a brief view of this ok shelf.

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