August 7, 2011 Local Lightning and Shelf Over Flood Waters

Just a quick shelf and some lightning from town. Shelf wasn't much to write home about but was local so not bad in that sense. It actually blew through with just about no rain drops. After it passes over, a small storm formed just southwest of town and moved east. I left this view north of town for shots over flooding from just east of town on highway 30.

City lights help light it up, but speed of the thing still forces high ISOs. Had to remove noise later with Topaz.

It was pretty windy, 50 mph I'd imagine.

Fun colors over town on a long exposure. Green'ish blue thanks to Cargil's lights. New storm can be seen back there on the right. I leave here now to head across the river.

I get across and flip my car around, and park on the south shoulder facing west. Clamp the camera to the window and get some shots over the flood waters. The river is on the other side of those trees. Shouldn't see water here but there's water here for about 3 miles east. Cargil lights to the right, OPPD lights down there in the middle.

I then moved east a bit further, to the last pull off before 2 miles of flood bags line highway 30 on either side, preventing you from pulling over anywhere in there. Omaha lights responsible for most of that down there on the right half. Cargil still getting the stuff more above me.

All still water that shouldn't be there.

Not the greatest night ever, but local so I'll take it.

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